All cat sitters adhere to our comprehensive Code of Conduct to ensure the highest standards of service:
- Professionalism and Ethics: I will always strive to operate a professional, ethical business governed by honourable standards.
- Cat Care: I will provide conscientious care for the cats entrusted to me, prioritising their welfare above all other business considerations.
- Welfare, Health, and Safety: I understand that a cat’s welfare, health, and safety are paramount and will work with integrity at all times.
- Honesty and Transparency: I commit to being honest and transparent with my clients, fulfilling my obligations reliably.
- Privacy and Courtesy: I will respect the confidentiality of every customer, treating all clients courteously.
- Accurate Representation: I will avoid misrepresenting my services and refrain from promoting other services or websites through my sitter profile.
- Respect for Client Property: I will treat clients’ homes and belongings with the utmost respect and ensure I leave their home as I found it.
- Key Security: I will not give out clients’ keys or property access to anyone else unless previously agreed upon with the client.
- Security Measures: I will ensure the house is securely locked and safe after every visit.
- Professional Development: I will seek to continuously learn more about my profession and improve my services whenever possible.
- Community Participation: I will support Cat Minder, and its policies, and actively participate in its community activities.
- Industry Cooperation: I will be respectful and cooperative with other professionals within the pet industry, maintaining responsibility in all interactions.
- Legal Compliance: I will adhere to all applicable animal laws, pet-sitting legislation, and local regulations governing animal care and business practices.
- Promoting Responsible Ownership: I will encourage responsible cat ownership and support humane animal protection programs through organisations like RSPCA and Cats Protection.
Note: Cat Minder is independent from its members’ businesses. While members have agreed to abide by our Code of Conduct, Cat Minder is not a policing organisation and accepts no liability for them. Your contract is directly with your chosen cat sitter, and it is advisable to conduct your own inquiries and rely on your personal judgment regarding their credibility.